22-24 Feb 2021 Paris (France)
Searching for Dual AGN in Galaxies with Double-Peaked Emission Line Spectra using Radio Observations
Rubinur Khatun  1@  
1 : National Centre for Radio Astrophysics [Pune]

Supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries form due to galaxy mergers and minor

accretion events. When the SMBHs are accreting, they form dual or binary AGN

and can give rise to double-peaked emission lines in the optical spectra of the merger

remnant. The double-peaked emission lines could also be due to jet-ISM interaction

or rotating disks. One of the best ways to confirm dual/binary AGN in double-peaked

AGN (DPAGN) is by using high-resolution radio observations. We have observed a

sample of 20 DPAGN at two or more frequencies using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large

Array (VLA). We have detected dual radio structures at separation of <~10

kpc in three of our sample galaxies. Of the remaining sources, two have S-shaped

core-jet structure and another source could be a core-jet structure or a DAGN.

We find that for our dual AGN detection, the DPAGN emission lines do not originate

from the dual/binary AGN. Instead, they could be due to outflows or jets.

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