22-24 Feb 2021 Paris (France)
A Radio and Emission-line Study of 9 DPAGN
Preeti Kharb  1@  
1 : National Centre for Radio Astrophysics - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research  (NCRA)

Double-peaked emission line AGN (DPAGN) have been regarded as binary black hole candidates. I present results from the parsec-scale radio observations with the VLBA as well as emission-line modelling of the SDSS spectra of 9 type-2 Seyfert and LINER DPAGN belonging to the KISSR sample of emission-line galaxies. In the 9 sources, dual compact cores are only detected in the "offset AGN", KISSR 102. The overall incidence of jets however, in the 8 sources detected with the VLBA, is >60%. We find that the emission lines are likely to be influenced by jets in 5/9 sources. Jet-medium interaction is the likely cause of the emission-line splitting observed in the SDSS spectra of these sources.

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