Double-peak features and massive galaxies with ionised gas
Daniel Maschmann
› Spatially resolved excitation diagnostic diagrams at kpc scales - Francesco Belfiore
14:00-14:20 (20min)
› Ionized gas multi-spin systems in galaxies - Alexei Moiseev
14:20-14:40 (20min)
› Morpho-kinematic transformations in an interacting local galaxy in the light of MaNGA - Barbara Mazzilli Ciraulo
14:40-15:00 (20min)
› A Study of Star formation, AGN activity and ionized outflows in Southern Interacting Galaxies using MUSE, UVIT and the SAAO - Jyoti Yadav
15:00-15:20 (20min)
› Multiple components in the center of NGC 6240 with MUSE NFM: a system with three nuclei? - Peter Weilbacher
15:20-15:40 (20min)